Work Packages

The overall activities of MERIT are organized in 6 Work Packages (WP´s), devided into four scientific research-training packages, one work package includes the methodological skill training and complementary training, and one describes the management activities.The four scientific research packages are focused on the different steps in the signal transduction pathway regulating the LES. For each WP one of the project leader is responsible. 

WP1: Regulatory mechanisms of the SnRK1 kinases, WP leader: Elena Baena-Gonzalez

WP2: bZIP transcription factors executing low energy signals, WP leader: Wolfgang Dröge-Laser

WP3: Metabolic reprogramming - regulation and consequences, WP leader: Wolfram Weckwerth

WP4: Growth and physiological phenotyping, WP leader: Matthew Hannah

WP5: Coordinated European-wide training, WP leader: Markus Teige

WP6: Transparent Network Management, WP leader: Johannes Hanson