Utrecht Center for Quantitative Immunology

Julia Drylewicz

Julia Drylewicz

Laboratory Translational Immunology
University Medical Center Utrecht
Utrecht University
I was trained in Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Bordeaux School of Public Health and graduated in Biomathematics from Paris V University (France) in 2006 and obtained my PhD in biostatistics at Bordeaux University (France) in 2009. From 2010 till 2014, I performed a postdoctoral fellowship in computational and quantitative immunology under the supervision of José Borghans in the Department of Immunology at the UMC Utrecht and collaborated with Prof. Rob de Boer in the Utrecht Center for Quantitative Immunology at Utrecht University. My research focused on quantifying cell dynamics in health and disease using mathematical modeling to analyze stable-isotope labeling experiments.

Since 2014, I am a full-time researcher within the Bioinformatics Core Facility in the Laboratory of Translational Immunology of the UMC Utrecht bringing methodological support from the design of a project to its publication. I collaborate with many groups on multidisciplinary projects that aim at closing the gap between experimental and theoretical work by using biostatistics, bioinformatics and computational approaches. Some of my most recent projects involve modeling cell homeostasis in human, defining the optimal time of maternal vaccination for RSV infection, determining endotypes of atopic dermatitis patients based on serum biomarkers measured by Luminex.

Contact: J.Drylewicz@umcutrecht.nl

Five key publications