Hepatitis C virus epitope browser

This interactive figure can be used to visualize the distribution of both experimentally verified and predicted epitopes across conserved and unconserved regions in the Hepatitis C genome. Choose the desired HLA molecule from the dropdown menus below to visualize the locations of the corresponding epitopes.

Mapping on HCV genome

Protein variability was estimated using bias-corrected Shannon entropy scores calculated for each position in HCV protein alignments. For each protein, the plot shows raw entropies (gray bars) and median entropies in nine-mers (black lines) estimated from all sequences (plotted upward) or genotype 1 sequences only (plotted downward). Blue arrows point to the centers of epitopes. Strongly conserved nine-mers with low median entropy are highlighted in red. For details, see the article HLA Preferences for Conserved Epitopes: A Potential Mechanism for Hepatitis C Clearance by Rao et al.

Epitope sequences